Monday, April 20, 2009

The Last Crazy Semester?

Things are heating up as the end of the semester nears.

Have to wrap up projects and write papers for both classes but no finals -- whew! Still have much to do to make sense of collaborative grading from two different perspectives but have made plans for use of this project in the future for publications. Not sure how far away that is and how much I will have to do for further research.

Of course my real job is wrapping up too with grading and planning for Summer Institute as well as final site visits etc.

I'm already thinking about a research project for this summer -- am I crazy for starting another? Should I focus on finishing up collaborative grading? I know how hard it is to juggle multiple projects but this really interests me. Note: Sent in usability revision and still waiting to hear about digital networking chapter.

Anyway I want to look at writing self efficacy and writing workshop (online writing workshop in particular). Likely tools include pre and post surveys, forum archives for workshops, interviews, writing reflections?

This is likely to be the last really crazy semester though. No more two classes at a time. I think this summer I will only need to take document design during the May Seminar and then this summer I can focus on Summer Institute, wrapping up research, and starting preproposal and reading list. In the fall I will have my last class -- and with only one class I should be able to continue work on research, preproposal and reading list. My goal is to take exam over MSU Spring Break. We'll see if I make it!

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